The idea behind it is to prepare participants, who already have language and practical competence in their own countries, in a specially designed three-week training programme.
After the completion of their training, they come to Germany for the final theoretic and practical examinations.
At our training centre we teach specialised knowledge in nursing, anatomy, general medicine, pharmacology, and psychology.
Our team in Thessaloniki provides all the necessary material for the training of the candidates in the country where they are training.
For that purpose, our training centre employs nurses, medical laboratory assistants, physical therapists, and nursery attendants, who, with their knowledge and professional experience, guarantee a higher level of studies, so that the candidates can succeed in their certification exams, in order to obtain a work license in Germany.
By the end of 2020 approximately 3000 nurses had been trained, of whom 2000 were from Albania, 750 were from Serbia, and the rest were from other countries such as Kosovo, N. Macedonia, and Mexico.