DEKRA Akademie EPE
The interconnection of education with the labour market is the main obligation of every modern country, in order for young people to find jobs quickly. Continuous further education of young scientists and professionals is equally necessary, so that they can retain their competitiveness.
These are the goals that DEKRA Akademie’s activities focus on. Having taken a dominant position in Germany, in recent years DEKRA Akademie has expanded its activities to many countries in the world. Thus, since July 2014 a subsidiary of the company has been operating in Greece, DEKRA Akademie LLC, based in Thessaloniki, with an additional branch in Athens.
In the framework of its activities, DEKRA Akademie collaborates with institutional state bodies, Municipalities, Regions, educational foundations, professional associations, enterprises, and vocational schools, on educational programmes in the sectors of agricultural production and the marketing of agricultural products, tourism, health (allied health professions), and solid waste management.
Besides designing educational programmes, DEKRA Akademie offers support for access to relevant European Union programmes, for the identification of funding instruments and assistance in the processes of certification of training and further education of trainees.